4 foods that can help manage psoriatic arthritis
It has been estimated that about 30% of people living with psoriasis also suffer from psoriatic arthritis. The country is home to about 2 million patients dealing with psoriatic arthritis. It is a condition in which the patient deals with inflamed and painful joints. The treatment approach is generally a combination of changes in lifestyle, eating habits, and prescribed treatment options. Adding anti-inflammatory foods can help in the management and avoiding flare-ups.
Whole grains
Barley, wheat, quinoa, buckwheat, wild rice, brown rice, and bulgur wheat are all recommended whole grain options that can be included in regular meals. This helps maintain blood sugar levels within the normal range, and their fiber content is of great assistance in controlling the body’s inflammatory levels. Refined flour and grains like white bread and all-flour pasta can spike blood sugar levels and cholesterol in people. This can eventually lead to increased inflammation, especially in blood vessels. To avoid triggering psoriatic arthritis, switch to whole grains instead of refined.
Fruits and vegetables
The inclusion of fruits and vegetables is one of the most effective ways of fighting inflammation. Adding dark leafy vegetables, colored berries, green tea, gourds, or even dark chocolate provides the body with the necessary amount of antioxidants. These are functional in the reduction of oxidative stress caused by chronic inflammation. In addition, antioxidants are a great help in delaying or defusing free radical damage to the cells and tissues of the body.
Garlic is one of the most important food ingredients to be included in meals made for patients with psoriatic arthritis. It packs strong flavors and high phytonutrient content that equips garlic with the ability to fight inflammation. Adding garlic to various meal recipes, even in small quantities, can go a long way in the management of psoriatic arthritis. Another benefit of regularly adding garlic to salads, soups, and snacks is that it helps develop better immunity.
Omega-3 fatty acids are an important component in the list of anti-inflammatory foods to include in daily meals. Adding fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, and tuna helps provide the body with the required amount of omega-3. Additionally, making these fish a regular part of meals can help combat various cardiac diseases, diabetes, and even lifestyle-related disorders. Experts recommend having fatty fish at least twice a week to provide the body with the necessary amount of omega-3 and stay protected from inflammatory disorders. Vegetarians can include nuts and seeds like walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds in their smoothie or fruit bowl to meet their required omega-3 intake. Simply snacking on nuts and seeds can do the trick if nothing else works.
Aside from food, doctors might even recommend treatment options like Otezla when they deem it necessary.
Otezla is an FDA-approved treatment option that inhibits the action of the PDE-4 enzyme. It lowers the body’s inflammatory response, giving patients some relief from the symptoms. The price of Otezla® tablets without insurance can cost hundreds of dollars. This is why the company offers copay options that can help cut down the cost to an insignificant amount on a monthly basis. However, the program is based on the patient’s eligibility. The copay details are available on www.otezla.com.