6 foods people with prostate cancer should avoid
Nutritious food can play a significant role in maintaining and improving our overall health. On the contrary, some meals may be unhealthy, especially for individuals with health complications, including prostate cancer. The disease is characterized by symptoms like regular urination, blood in the urine, and weak urine flow. Certain foods may aggravate or trigger the symptoms of prostate cancer, leading to other complications, and should hence be avoided as far as possible. Red meat People who opt for meals with large portions of red meat are at risk of developing prostate cancer or worsening their symptoms. Red meat like hot dogs, beef, and pork contain heterocyclic amines (HCAs)—carcinogens detected in cooked meat. HCAs are said to be linked to the development of multiple cancers. Full-fat cheeses Excess consumption of dairy products like full-fat cheeses should be avoided. Their high-fat content has been associated with c-peptide concentration, which may lead to the aggressive development of prostate cancer. Other dairy products to steer clear of include yogurt, butter, cream cheeses, and ice creams rich in fat. Coffee Coffee and other caffeinated beverages function as diuretics. They may dehydrate an individual faster and increase the urge to urinate. And someone with an enlarged prostate might find it challenging to relieve themselves, which can cause discomfort.