Stomach conditions – Types and treatment
The stomach is located between the esophagus and the small intestine. It is the place where proteins are digested. The stomach has three primary functions: storing the food that one swallows, amalgamating the food with stomach acids, and transferring the mixture to the small intestine. Since the stomach serves so many essential functions, it is prone to suffer from certain disorders. Some of the stomach conditions like heartburn and indigestion are very common among most people. Stomach conditions and their treatment Gastritis Gastritis is referred to as the stomach condition where the stomach lining suffers from inflammation. While chronic gastritis occurs at a slow pace, acute gastritis attacks the stomach suddenly. According to a report published by a renowned clinic, 8 out of 1,000 people show symptoms of acute gastritis, and 2 out of 10, 000 people suffer from chronic gastritis at some point in their lives. Some common signs of gastritis are nausea, indigestion, appetite loss, bloating, and hiccups. It is largely caused because of stress, chronic vomiting, viral or bacterial infections, excessive alcohol consumption, pernicious anemia, or auto-immune diseases. Treatment for gastritis If gastritis is caused due to H.pylori infection, one will be given a couple of antibiotics along with a medication that blocks the entry of acid to their stomach.