Top 5 international airlines in the world
Most people, while booking a flight ticket, do not put in a lot of thought behind which airline’s services they should be availing of. It is important to do a background check on the airline before you book your tickets. What if the airline has had a history of losing its passengers’ luggage frequently or carries a bad reputation of serving stale food to the flyers? Your in-flight experience, whether long or short, should be comfortable and a memorable one. Here, we help you decide which airline you should opt for when you fly, by the following list. Swiss International Air Lines Swiss, the flag carrier airline of Switzerland, is not a niche carrier, but it operates like a boutique flight. The carrier is very meticulous about the services it provides inside the flight. It serves multi-course meals, which are on par with the kind served in a high-end restaurant. You also get adjustable headrests and well-organized amenity kits. As it is a Switzerland-based airline, the staff makes it a point to serve cheese of the highest quality to its passengers. Qantas This flag carrier airline from Australia came into prominence when it became one of the first carriers to cover vastly long-distance routes without halting at any airport in between.